
EN :(Transaction) malleability
Possibility of modifying the transaction ID of a transaction without affecting his validity.
ZH :
(交易) 延展性
IT :
Possibilità (anche da parte di una terza parte) di modificare l'ID di una transazione non confermata senza pregiudicarne la sua validità
EN :51% attack / Majority attack
A majority attack (usually labeled 51% attack or >50% attack) is an attack on the network. This attack has a chance to work even if the merchant waits for some confirmations, but requires extremely high relative hashrate.
ZH :
51% 攻击
IT :
Attacco alla rete da parte di un gruppo di miners che possono controllare il comportamento del network in virtù del fatto che posseggono la maggioranza dell'hashing power
EN :Altcoin
Cryptocurrency alternative to Bitcoin
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山寨币 (aka 山寨幣)
IT :
Moneta nata da un fork del software di bitcoin che vive su una diversa blockchain
EN :Anonymity
Anonymity is used to describe situations where the acting person's name is unknown
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IT :
Anonimato è la situazione in cui l'autore di un'azione è sconosciuto
EN :ASIC (Application-specific integrated circuit)
An application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) /ˈeɪsɪk/, is an integrated circuit (IC) customized for a particular use, rather than intended for general-purpose use. For example, a chip designed to run in a digital voice recorder or a high-efficiency Bitcoin miner is an ASIC. Application-specific standard products (ASSPs) are intermediate between ASICs and industry standard integrated circuits like the 7400 or the 4000 series.
ZH :
ASIC / 专用集成电路
IT :
Circuiti integrati progettati per una specifica applicazione.
EN :Bandwidth
In computing, bandwidth is the bit-rate of available or consumed information capacity expressed typically in metric multiples of bits per second. Variously, bandwidth may be characterized as network bandwidth, data bandwidth, or digital bandwidth. This definition of bandwidth is in contrast to the field of signal processing, wireless communications, modem data transmission, digital communications, and electronics, in which bandwidth is used to refer to analog signal bandwidth measured in hertz, meaning the frequency range between lowest and highest attainable frequency while meeting a well-defined impairment level in signal power. However, the actual bit rate that can be achieved depends not only on the signal bandwidth, but also on the noise on the channel.
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IT :
Volume di banda di dati
EN :BIP100 / BIP101 / etc. (Bitcoin Improvement Proposal)
A Bitcoin Improvement Proposal (BIP) is a design document for introducing features or information to Bitcoin. This is the standard way of communicating ideas since Bitcoin has no formal structure.
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BIP100 / BIP101 / etc.
IT :
Nome delle proposte formali di miglioramento del Bitcoin. Il numero fa riferimento alla proposta specifica
EN :Bitcoin / BTC / XBT
Bitcoin is a digital currency invented by Satoshi Nakamoto. Nakamoto introduced the idea on 31 October 2008 to a cryptography mailing list, and released it as open-source software in 2009. The system is peer-to-peer and transactions take place between users directly, without an intermediary.These transactions are verified by network nodes and recorded in a public distributed ledger called the blockchain, which uses bitcoin as its unit of account.
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IT :
Simbolo e abbreviazione del Bitcoin
EN :Bitcoin address
A Bitcoin address, or simply address, is an identifier of 26-35 alphanumeric characters, beginning with the number 1 or 3, that represents a possible destination for a bitcoin payment. Addresses can be generated at no cost by any user of Bitcoin. For example, using Bitcoin Core, one can click "New Address" and be assigned an address. It is also possible to get a Bitcoin address using an account at an exchange or online wallet service.There are currently two address formats in common use:Common P2PKH which begin with the number 1, eg: 1BvBMSEYstWetqTFn5Au4m4GFg7xJaNVN2.
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IT :
Codice alfanumerico che viene utilizzato per indirizzare i pagamenti in bitcoin. Il codice corrisponde a una precisa modalità con cui i bitcoin possono essere spesi nella transazione successiva
EN :Bitcoin Core
Bitcoin Core is the open source client of the Bitcoin Cryptocurrency. Initially, the software was published by Satoshi Nakamoto under the Name "Bitcoin" and later renamed to Bitcoin Core. The software validates the whole Blockchain including all transactions ever done. Moreover a wallet, which can be used to transfer funds, is included by default.
ZH :
IT :
Client di riferimento del mondo Bitcoin. Permette tutte le operazioni normali del mondo bitcoin eseguite in forma "canonica"
EN :Bitcoin days (destroyed)
Newer P2SH type starting with the number 3, eg: 3J98t1WpEZ73CNmQviecrnyiWrnqRhWNLy.
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币天 (销毁)
IT :
Somma-prodotto dell'ammontare dei bitcoin spesi per il numero di giorni in cui questi sono rimasti fermi prima della transazione
EN :Bitcoin wallet
A wallet which stores the information necessary to transact bitcoins. While wallets are often described as a place to holdor store bitcoins,due to the nature of the system, bitcoins are inseparable from the blockchain transaction ledger. A better way to describe a wallet is something that "stores the digital credentials for your bitcoin holdings" and allows you to access (and spend) them. Bitcoin uses public-key cryptography, in which two cryptographic keys, one public and one private, are generated. At its most basic, a wallet is a collection of these keys.
ZH :
IT :
Client per effettuare spese in bitcoin, custodire gli stessi e riceverli
EN :Block
A block is a permanent record of data stored in the blockchain, acting like a page or ledger. Each block contains and confirms pending transactions. Roughly every 10 minutes, on average, a new block along with the transactions it contains is added to the blockchain through mining.
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IT :
Struttura di dati composta da un gruppo di transazioni bitcoin e da un'intestazione con informazioni essenziali per garantire la correttezza dei dati e la posizione cronologica rispetto agli altri
EN :Block height
The number of blocks preceding a particular block on a block chain. For example, the genesis block has a height of zero because zero block preceded it.
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IT :
numero cronologico che posiziona il blocco all'interno della blockchain
EN :Block size
Miners can mine blocks up to the 1MB fixed limit, but any block larger than 1MB is invalid.
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Dimensione del blocco in Kb o Mb
EN :Block size limit
Blocks are limited to 1MB in size.This limit cannot be modified without a hard fork.
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Limite nella dimensione del blocco.
EN :Block subsidy / Block reward
The reward given to a miner which has successfully hashed a transaction block. Block rewards can be a mixture of coins and transaction fees, depending on the policy used by the cryptocurrency in question, and whether all of the coins have already been successfully mined. - See more at: http://www.blockchaintechnologies.com/blockchain-glossary#sthash.6WXoxn1B.dpuf
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IT :
Ricompensa per i miners per la scoperta del blocco cioè per aver trovato la soluzione che legittima il blocco nella rete attraverso lo sforzo computazionale noto come Proof of work
EN :Block validation
Bitcoin Core checks each block of transactions it receives to ensure that everything in that block is fully valid—allowing it to trust the block without trusting the miner who created it. This prevents miners from tricking Bitcoin Core users into accepting blocks that violate the 21 million bitcoin limit or which break other important rules.
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IT :
Validazione contabile, formale e crittografica della composizione del blocco secondo le regole che costituiscono il consensus tra i computers della rete
EN :Blockchain / Chain
A public ledger of all confirmed transactions in a form of a tree of all valid blocks (including orphans). Most of the time, "blockchain" means the main chain, a single most difficult chain of blocks. Blockchain is updated by mining blocks with new transactions. Unconfirmed transactions are not part of the blockchain. If some clients disagree on which chain is main or which blocks are valid, a fork happens.
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IT :
Catena costituita dalla sequenza dei blocchi in cui ciascuno di essi si riferisce in modo univoco e crittografico a quello precedente
EN :Blocks reindex
-reindex throws away the block chain index and chain state (the database of all unspent transaction outputs), and rebuilds those from scratch. It is exactly like downloading the block chain again from peers, except the blocks already on disk are used.
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IT :
Reindicizzazione del database delle transazioni che costituiscono la blockchain
EN :Byzantine (Generals') Problem
In fault-tolerant computer systems, and in particular distributed computing systems, Byzantine fault tolerance is the characteristic of a system that tolerates the class of failures known as the Byzantine Generals' Problem. As reliable computer systems must handle malfunctioningcomponents that give conflicting information to different parts of the system. This situation can be expressed abstractly in terms of a group of generals of the Byzantine army camped with their troops around an enemy city. Communicatingonly by messenger, the generals must agree upon a common battle plan. However, one or more of them may be traitors who will try to confuse the others. The problem is to find an algorithm to ensure that the loyal generals will reach agreement. It is shown that, using only oral messages, this problem is solvable if and only if more than two-thirds of the generals are loyal; so a single traitor can confound two loyal generals. With unforgeable written messages, the problem is solvable for any number of generals and possible traitors.
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IT :
Problema noto delle reti distribuite che devono coordinarsi in assenza di una struttura gerarchica (reti peer to peer)
EN :Censorship-resistant
The essential nature of the P2P network in Bitcoin was done explicitly to allow censorship resistance, such that even governmental agencies would be unable to stop the network and stop its payments.
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IT :
Resistente ai tentativi di censura nei confronti degli operatori della rete
EN :Centralize / centralization
This is usually considered in relation with mining centralization. It is considered the most dangerous form of centralization. It is probably the best known as well, although I would argue not always the most understood. The domination of mining by an increasingly small number of entities is a problem for a multitude of reasons, the most famous of which is the threat of the so-called ‘51% attack’.
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IT :
A new opcode (OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY) for the Bitcoin scripting system that allows a transaction output to be made unspendable until some point in the future.
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IT :
Operatore dello script di validazione del protocollo che permette di definire un momento storico in tempo o in altezza di blocchi prima del quale i bitcoin racchiusi in una transazione non spesa non possono essere spesi
A opcode that allows an output to conditionally specify how long it must be part of the blockchain before an input spending it may be added to the blockchain.
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IT :
Operatore dello script di validazione del protocollo che permette di definire un lasso di tempo o un numero di conferme prima delle quali i bitcoin racchiusi in una transazione non spesa non possono essere spesi
EN :Checkpoint
Every once in a while, an old block hash is hardcoded into Bitcoin software. Different implementations choose different checkpoint locations. Checkpoints prevent various DOS attacks from nodes flooding unusable chains and attacks involving isolating nodes and giving them fake chains.
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IT :
Punto di controllo o di verifica posto in un punto storico della blockchain da alcuni clients bitcoin. Questi clients considerano le transazioni fino al checkpoint come valide e irreversibili e non permettono forks che cerchino di partire dal blocco precedente al checkpoint
OP_CHECKSIG is script opcode used to verify that the signature for a tx input is valid. OP_CHECKSIG expects two values to be on the stack. These are, in order of stack depth, the public key and the signature of the script.
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IT :
Operatore di verifica della firma digitale nella transazione
EN :Child-pays-for-parent / CPFP
It is is a proposed method of 'unsticking' transactions with small fees that have difficulty getting included into a block.
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IT :
Modalità di sblocco di una transazione bloccata in attesa di conferma per fees troppo basse tramite una transazione successiva con fees sufficienti a compensare quelle della precedente
EN :Coinbase
The coinbase is the content of the 'input' of a generation transaction. While regular transactions use the 'inputs' section to refer to their parent transaction outputs, a generation transaction has no parent, and creates new coins from nothing.
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IT :
Transazione speciale di creazione di bitcoin. Essa costituisce il block reward (-> sopra) ed é posta all'inizio del blocco
EN :Confirmation (of transaction / block)
After a transaction is broadcast to the Bitcoin network, it may be included in a block that is published to the network. When that happens it is said that the transaction has been mined at a depth of 1 block. With each subsequent block that is found, the number of blocks deep is increased by one.
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IT :
Momento in cui il blocco e tutte le transazioni incluse in esso sono accettate dalla rete come valide ed entrano a far parte della blockchain. Il blocco in formazione deve da questo momento avere il numero successivo a quello confermato
EN :Consensus
The consensus rules are the specific set of rules that all Bitcoin full nodes will unfailingly enforce when considering the validity of a block and its transactions. For example, the Bitcoin consensus rules require that blocks only create a certain number of bitcoins.
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IT :
Quando svariati nodi hanno tutti gli stessi blocchi nella loro blockchain validata localmente
EN :Consensus fork
Developers regularly create intentional consensus forks by modifying Bitcoin client software. These changes upgrade or constrain the way that Bitcoin works — temporarily or permanently.
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IT :
Biforcazione della rete dovuto a un problema nel consensus
EN :Cryptocurrency
"a digital representation of value, not issued by a central bank, credit institution or e-money institution, which, in some circumstances, can be used as an alternative to money”,
ZH :
IT :
Criptovaluta digitale. Valuta digitale che viene emessa e gestita da una comunità decentralizzata
EN :DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph)
It is a finite directed graph with no directed cycles. That is, it consists of finitely many vertices and edges, with each edge directed from one vertex to another, such that there is no way to start at any vertex v and follow a consistently-directed sequence of edges that eventually loops back to vagain.
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IT :
E' è un particolare tipo di di grafo (anche noto come "grafo diretto") che non ha cicli (circuiti) diretti, ovvero comunque scegliamo un vertice del grafo non possiamo tornare ad esso percorrendo gli archi del grafo. Un grafo diretto può dirsi aciclico (cioè è un DAG) se una visita in profondità non presenta archi all'indietro.
EN :DDOS (attack) (Distributed denial-of-service (attack))
DDOS attack is a type of DOS attack that occurs when multiple systems flood the bandwidth or resources of a targeted system, usually one or more web servers.[8] Such an attack is often the result of multiple compromised systems (for example a botnet) flooding the targeted system with traffic. A botnet is a network of zombie computers programmed to receive commands without the owners' knowledge.[13] When a server is overloaded with connections, new connections can no longer be accepted. The major advantages to an attacker of using a distributed denial-of-service attack are that multiple machines can generate more attack traffic than one machine, multiple attack machines are harder to turn off than one attack machine, and that the behavior of each attack machine can be stealthier, making it harder to track and shut down. These attacker advantages cause challenges for defense mechanisms. For example, merely purchasing more incoming bandwidth than the current volume of the attack might not help, because the attacker might be able to simply add more attack machines. This after all will end up completely crashing a website for periods of time.
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IT :
Funzionamento identico al DOS ma realizzato utilizzando numerose macchine attaccanti che insieme costituiscono una botnet.
EN :Decentralize / decentralization
Without a central authority or controlling party. Bitcoin is a decentralized network since no company, government, or individual is in control of it.
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IT :
In un sistema decentralizzato non c'è una gerarchia di potere tra i nodi. Tutte le transazioni sono rese pubbliche, con la presenza di un unico registro storico ed informatico condiviso tra gli utenti. Il tutto è coperto e garantito da precise regole matematiche, che rendono impossibile modificare arbitrariamente un singolo valore senza invalidare l’intero storico delle transazioni.
EN :Distributed network
A distributed network is designed so that there is no central server or entity that others must connect to. Instead, network participants connect directly to each other. Bitcoin is a distributed network.
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IT :
Rete Distribuita
EN :DOS (attack) (Denial-of-service (attack))
In computing, a denial-of-service (DoS) attack is an attempt to make a machine or network resource unavailable to its intended users, such as to temporarily or indefinitely interrupt or suspend services of a host connected to the Internet.
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IT :
Il DOS indica un malfunzionamento dovuto ad un attacco informatico in cui si fanno esaurire deliberatamente le risorse di un sistema informatico che fornisce un servizio ai client, ad esempio un sito web su un web server, fino a renderlo non più in grado di erogare il servizio ai client richiedenti
EN :Double spending
Double-spending is a failure mode of digital cash schemes, when it is possible to spend a single digital token twice. Since, unlike physical token money such as coins, electronic files can be duplicated, and hence the act of spending a digital coin does not remove its data from the ownership of the original holder,[1] some other means are needed to prevent double-spending.
ZH :
双重花费 / 双花
IT :
L'impossibilità per un utente di provare a spendere i propri bitcoin verso due diversi riceventi contemporaneamente, si tratta di doppia spesa. Il mining di Bitcoin ed il block chain esistono per creare un consenso sulla rete, per decidere quale delle due transazioni sia considerata valida.
EN :Dynamic limit
BIP 107 – This BIP proposes a dynamic limit to the block size based on transaction volume
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IT :
BIP 107 - Limite definito in modo dinamico (normalmente riferito al limite della dimensione del blocco) sulla base del volume di transazioni
EN :ECDSA (Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm)
ECDSA is short for Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm. It’s a process that uses an elliptic curve and a finite field to “sign” data in such a way that third parties can verify the authenticity of the signature while the signer retains the exclusive ability to create the signature. With bitcoin, the data that is signed is the transaction that transfers ownership.
ZH :
IT :
Algoritmo di firma digitale basato sulla curva ellittica
EN :Ethereum
Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third party interference.
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IT :
Lo scopo di Ethereum è quello di creare un protocollo alternativo per la costruzione di applicazioni decentralizzate, fornendo un insieme eterogeneo di possibilità che, dal nostro punto di vista, saranno molto utili per una larga classe di applicazioni decentralizzate, in particolar modo nelle situazioni dove sono essenziali: un tempo rapido di sviluppo, la sicurezza per applicazioni utilizzate di rado, e la capacità di far interagire tra loro, in modo molto efficace, applicazioni differenti. Ethereum permette tutto ciò attraverso la costruzione di quello che in sostanza è il definitivo protocollo astratto e fondante: una Blockchain con un linguaggio di programmazione, costruito al suo interno e Turing-complete, che permette ad ognuno di scrivere Smart Contracts ed applicazioni decentralizzate
EN :Finney attack
The Finney attack is a fraudulent double-spend that requires the participation of a miner once a block has been mined. The risk of a Finney attack cannot be eliminated regardless of the precautions taken by the merchant, but the participation of a miner is required and a specific sequence of events must occur.
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IT :
Tentativo da parte di un miner di effettuare una doppia spesa includendo in un blocco bitcoin destinati a sè stesso, trattenendo il blocco trovato e trasmettendo in rete una transazione che spende gli stessi input per un merchant. Quando il merchant eroga il bene o il servizio il miner trasmette il proprio blocco con la transazione fraudolenta
EN :Flood attack
A flood attack is the process of sending thousands of transactions to "flood" the mempool, filling new blocks to the maximum size of 1MB, and subsequently delaying other transactions. It is easy to send transactions to yourself repeatedly, but it is made expensive with transaction fees.
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IT :
Attacco basato sulla produzione di transazioni con un altissimo numero di outputs di importo irrilevante verso un destinatario unico. Mettono in difficoltà i nodi che devono spendere e quelli che devono verificare la transazione di spesa. Segwit rende questo attacco quasi ineffettivo.
EN :Fork
Any computer that connects to the Bitcoin network is called a node. Nodes that fully enforce all of the rules of Bitcoin are called full nodes. Most nodes on the network are lightweight nodes instead of full nodes, but full nodes form the backbone of the network.
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IT :
Biforkazione (generalmente riferito alla blockchain oppure allo sfruttamento e modifica di codice open source esistente che genera un altro software)
EN :Full node
Any computer that connects to the Bitcoin network is called a node. Nodes that fully enforce all of the rules of Bitcoin are called full nodes. Most nodes on the network are lightweight nodes instead of full nodes, but full nodes form the backbone of the network.
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IT :
Nodo Bitcoin che valida le transazioni e i blocchi di transazioni ricevuti dalla rete Bitcoin fafforzando così le regole della stessa e li ritrasmette ad altri full node. Mantiene una copia della blockchain.
EN :Fungibility
Fungibility refers to the concept that every unit or subunit remains equivalent and identical to any other unit or subunit. It is the property of a good or commodity whose individual units are capable ofmutual substitution.
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IT :
Fungibilità. E' la caratteristica per cui ogni singolo bitcoin è equivalente e sostituibile con un altro
EN :Gigabyte / GB
The gigabyte (/ˈɡɪɡəbaɪt/ gig-ə-byt or /ˈdʒɪɡəbaɪt/[1]) is a multiple of the unit byte for digital information. The prefix giga means 10^9 in the International System of Units (SI), therefore one gigabyte is 1000000000bytes. The unit symbol for the gigabyte is GB.
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IT :
Multiplo dell'unità byte per l'informazione digitale. Corrisponde a un miliardo di bytes.
EN :Great Firewall / GFW
The Great Firewall of China, commonly known as "wall" is used by international, including Chinese, media to refer to legislation and projects initiated by the Chinese government (which is controlled by the Communist Party of China, CPC) that attempt to regulate the Internet in Mainland China.
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IT :
Cintura informatica di contenimento delle informazioni a cui la popolazione cinese è sottoposta. Tale dispositivo governativo è anche la causa di alcuni problemi nella latenza delle trasmissioni internet con la Cina.
EN :Hardfork
A hardfork is a change to the bitcoin protocol that makes previously invalid blocks/transactions valid, and therefore requires all users to upgrade. Any alteration to bitcoin which changes the block structure (including block hash), difficulty rules, or increases the set of valid transactions is a hardfork
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IT :
Biforkazione nella blockchain provocata da un allargamento delle regole del consenso. Tale biforkazione genera due reti totalmente separate di cui è opportuno una sparisca in tempi molto brevi
EN :Hash
A hash algorithm turns an arbitrarily-large amount of data into a fixed-length hash. The same hash will always result from the same data, but modifying the data by even one bit will completely change the hash. Like all computer data, hashes are large numbers, and are usually written as hexadecimal. BitCoin uses the SHA-256 hash algorithm to generate verifiably "random" numbers in a way that requires a predictable amount of CPU effort. Generating a SHA-256 hash with a value less than the current target solves a block and wins you some coins.
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IT :
Un processo matematico che prende una quantità variabile di dati e produce un output di lunghezza fissa più breve. Una funzione di hash ha due caratteristiche importanti. In primo luogo, è matematicamente difficile capire che cosa la voce originale è quello di cercare l’uscita . secondo luogo, cambiando anche la più piccola parte della voce produrrà un’uscita completamente diversa.
EN :Hash function
A cryptographic hash function is a mathematical algorithm that maps data of arbitrary size to a bit string of a fixed size (a hash function) which is designed to also be one-way function, that is, a function which is infeasible to invert. The only way to recreate the input data from an ideal cryptographic hash function's output is to try a large number of possible inputs to see if they produce a match. Bruce Schneier has called one-way hash functions "the workhorses of modern cryptography". The input data is often called the message, and the output (the hash value or hash) is often called the message digest or simply the digest.
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IT :
Funzione Hash
EN :IBLT (Invertible Bloom Lookup Table)
Invertible Bloom Lookup Tables (IBLTs) are a new (described in 2011) data structure that can be used to solve the set reconciliation problem. The idea of an IBLT is to squash together (using hashing and XOR) all of the transaction data into a fixed-size data structure. Then transmit that squashed data to a peer, who mostly knows what data you are sending them, but might be missing a few transactions or might be expecting that you put a few transaction in your block that you actually didn't.
ZH :
IBLT / 可逆式布鲁姆查找表
IT :
Metodo per trovare le differenze tra due set di dati residenti su due hosts senza trasferire l'intero set di dati da un host all'altro.
EN :Kilobyte / kB
The kilobyte is a multiple of the unit byte for digital information. The International System of Units (SI) defines the prefix kilo as 1000 (10^3); therefore one kilobyte is 1000 bytes. The unit symbol for the kilobyte is kB. In information technology kilobyte has traditionally also been used to denote 1024 (2^10) bytes, which arises from binary exponentiation common to digital circuitry. In this context, the symbols K and KB are often used when 1024 bytes are meant.
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Multiplo dell'unità byte per l'informazione digitale. Corrisponde a un migliaio di bytes.
EN :Lightning Network / Lightning
Lightning Network is a proposed implementation of Hash Time Locked Contracts (HTLCs) with bi-directional payment channels which allows payments to be securely routed across multiple peer-to-peer payment channels. This allows the formation of a network where any peer on the network can pay any other peer even if they don't directly have a channel open between each other.
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IT :
Rete che permette volumi di transazioni trustless di molti ordini di grandezza superiore alla rete bitcoin perché usa questa solo per i settlements periodici e la risoluzione di eventuali dispute
EN :Litecoin / LTC
Litecoin is a peer-to-peer Internet currency that enables instant, near-zero cost payments to anyone in the world. Litecoin is an open source, global payment network that is fully decentralized without any central authorities. Mathematics secures the network and empowers individuals to control their own finances. Litecoin features faster transaction confirmation times and improved storage efficiency than the leading math-based currency.
ZH :
IT :
Cryptovaluta alternativa
EN :Lock time
The locktime indicates the earliest time a transaction can be added to the block chain. Locktime allows signers to create time-locked transactions which will only become valid in the future, giving the signers a chance to change their minds.
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IT :
tempo di vincolo (normalmente riferito ad una transazione che non può essere spesa prima che un certo tempo sia intercorso)
EN :Mainnet
The original and main network for Bitcoin transactions, where satoshis have real economic value.
ZH :
主网络 / 主链
IT :
Rete principale del Bitcoin
EN :Median time-past
This BIP (113) is a proposal to redefine the semantics used in determining a time-locked transaction's eligibility for inclusion in a block. The median of the last 11 blocks is used instead of the block's timestamp, ensuring that it increases monotonically with each block.
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BIP 113 - definisce un nuovo modo di interpretare il tempo per stabilire l'eligibilità per l'inclusione in un blocco delle transazioni vincolate da condizioni temporali.
EN :Megabyte / MB
The megabyte is a multiple of the unit byte for digital information. The megabyte is commonly used to measure either 10002 bytes or 10242 bytes. The interpretation of using base 1024 originated as a compromise technical jargon for the byte multiples that needed to be expressed by the powers of 2 but lacked a convenient name.
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IT :
Multiplo dell'unità byte per l'informazione digitale. Corrisponde a un milione di bytes.
EN :Mempool
The bitcoin Mempool (memory pool) is a collection of all transaction data in a block that have been verified by bitcoin nodes, but are not yet confirmed.
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IT :
Area di memoria riservata dai full nodes alle transazioni tasmesse in rete ma non ancora confermate
EN :Merged mining
The act of using work done on one blockchain on more than one chain, using Auxiliary POW.
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IT :
Metodo di certificazione di una catena alternativa che consiste nello scrivere il merkle root di un blocco di transazioni della catena nella coinbase di un blocco della blockchain di bitcoin.
EN :Merkle branch
A branch connecting one or more leaves to the root
ZH :
Merkle 分支
IT :
Ramo di un merkle tree cioè insieme di nodi che portano al merkle root da un qualsiasi nodo del tree
EN :Merkle hash
A Merkle hash tree is a tree of hashes in which the leaves are hashes of data blocks in, for instance, a file or set of files.
ZH :
Merkle 哈希
IT :
Un hash Merkle è un albero di hash in cui le foglie sono hash di blocchi di dati, ad esempio, un file o un insieme di file.
EN :Merkle root
The root node of a merkle tree, a descendant of all the hashed pairs in the tree. Block headers must include a validmerkle root descended from all transactions in that block.
ZH :
Merkle 根
IT :
Nodo di vertice di un merkle tree
EN :Merkle tree / Hash tree
A tree constructed by hashing paired data (the leaves), then pairing and hashing the results until a single hash remains, the merkle root. In Bitcoin, the leaves are almost always transactions from a single block.
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Un Merkle tree è un tipo di struttura binaria, composto da un set di nodi, con un grande numero di nodi dipendenti alla base della struttura, che contengono dati sottostanti, un insieme di nodi intermedi dove ogni nodo è l'hash dei suoi due figli, e alla fine un nodo singolo principale, anch'esso composto dall'hash dei suoi due "figli", che rappresenta l'apice della struttura. La finalità del Merkle tree è quello di consentire che i dati in un blocco siano consegnati in maniera frammentaria: un nodo può scaricare solo l'intestazione di un blocco da una sorgente, la piccola parte della struttura di loro interesse da un'altra sorgente, per assicurarsi che tutti i dati siano correnti.
EN :Micropayment
A micropayment is a financial transaction involving a very small sum of money and usually one that occurs online. A number of micropayment systems were proposed and developed in the mid-to-late 1990s, all of which were ultimately unsuccessful. A second generation of micropayment systems emerged in the 2010s.There are a number of different definitions of what constitutes a micropayment. PayPal defines a micropayment as a transaction of less than £5[4] while Visa defines it as a transaction under 20 Australian dollars.
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Il pagamento di una piccola quantità di un bene o servizio, soprattutto online. Micro-transazioni sono difficili da realizzare nell’ambito dei sistemi di pagamento convenzionali a causa delle commissioni pesanti.
EN :Micropayment channel
Micropayment channels allow a customer to pay a merchant as little as a single satoshi, and do this time and time again over the course of hours or days. No matter how many payments the customer makes---and they can make millions---only two transactions appear on the Bitcoin blockchain and only two transaction fees are paid to miners.
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fornisce servizi di elaborazione di micro-pagamento per i commercianti che desiderano accettare pagamenti bitcoin.
EN :Mine (verb) / Mining
Mining is a record-keeping service. Miners keep the blockchain consistent, complete, and unalterable by repeatedly verifying and collecting newly broadcast transactions into a new group of transactions called a block. Each block contains a cryptographic hash of the previous block, using the SHA-256 hashing algorithm, which "chains" it to the previous block thus giving the blockchain its name.
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Per mining si intende il processo che fa eseguire all'hardware del computer calcoli matematici al fine di confermare le transazioni ed aumentare la sicurezza della rete Bitcoin. Come ricompensa per il loro servizio, i miner(minatori) di Bitcoin possono incassare delle commissioni sulle transazioni che confermano insieme ai nuovi bitcoin appena creati. Quello del mining è un mercato specializzato e competitivo dove le ricompense sono divise in base a quanti calcoli sono stati eseguiti. Non tutti gli utenti Bitcoin si cimentano nel mining e non è un modo facile per fare soldi.
EN :Miner
A person, a software or a hardware that performs mining.
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Operatore della rete Bitcoin che certifica le transazioni costruendo i blocchi di queste.
EN :Mining pool / pool
In the context of cryptocurrency mining, a mining pool is the pooling of resources by miners, who share their processing power over a network, to split the reward equally, according to the amount of work they contributed to solving a block. A "share" is awarded to members of the mining pool who present a valid proof of work that their miner solved. Mining in pools began when the difficulty for mining increased to the point where it could take years for slower miners to generate a block. The solution to this problem was for miners to pool their resources so they could generate blocks more quickly and therefore receive a portion of the block reward on a consistent basis, rather than randomly once every few years.
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Una raccolta di miners che mina insieme un blocco, e poi divide il premio tra di loro, in caso di vincita. Il pool è un modo utile per aumentare la probabilità di estrazione con successo un blocco quando la difficoltà aumenta.
EN :Mining subsidy / Mining reward
When a Bitcoin miner finds a block, it receives newly minted bitcoins known as the "Block Reward". The reward (aka subsidy) is halved every four years and is responsible for bitcoin'scontrolled supply.
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Premio per il miner che risolve il blocco che la rete riconosce come valido.
EN :Nakamoto consensus
Nakamoto consensus is a name for Bitcoin’s decentralized, pseudonymous consensus protocol. It is considered as Bitcoin’s core innovation and its key to success. The consensus protocol doesn’t require any trusted parties or pre-assumed identities among the participants
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Consenso basato sulla Proof of work
EN :Network latency / Latency
Latency is a time delay between the cause and the effect of some physical change in the system being observed. Latency is physically a consequence of the limited velocity with which any physical interaction can propagate. This velocity is always lower than or equal to the speed of light. Therefore, every physical system that has spatial dimensions different from zero will experience some sort of latency, regardless of the nature of stimulation that it has been exposed to.
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E' la misura del ritardo in una rete. L'ampiezza di banda e la Latency sono le componenti della velocità della rete
EN :nLockTime
Part of a transaction which indicates the earliest time or earliest block when that transaction may be added to the block chain.
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Rende la transazione non trasmissibile per un determinato lasso di tempo o per un determinato numero di blocchi
EN :Nonce
In cryptography, a nonce is an arbitrary number that may only be used once. It is similar in spirit to anonce word, hence the name. It is often a random or pseudo-random number issued in anauthentication protocol to ensure that old communications cannot be reused in replay attacks. They can also be useful as initialization vectors and in cryptographic hash function.
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Un numero (nonce) tale per cui l'hash SHA-256 di un insieme di dati rappresentante il blocco sia inferiore a una soglia data. Questa soglia, chiamata per l'appunto difficoltà, è ciò che determina la natura concorrenziale del mining di bitcoin
EN :Normalized Transaction ID
It is a hash of the transaction without the input scripts. SIGHASH_ALL says all inputs and outputs are included in the hash. These are the areas covered by the standard payment methods and they cannot be modified without invalidating the transaction.
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L'id di una transazione composta secondo regole di normalizzazione che eliminano la discrezionalità su come comporla. Questo metodo di eliminazione della malleabilità è stato superato da Segwit
EN :nSequence
A number intended to allow unconfirmed time-locked transactions to be updated before being finalized; not currently used except to disable locktime in a transaction
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Campo di un input di transazione. Oggi viene usato per indicare quanti blocchi o quanto tempo deve passare dalla conferma perché la transazione contenente quell'input possa entrare in un blocco.
EN :Off-chain (solution / transaction)
An off-chain transaction is the movement of value outside of the block chain.
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链外方案 / 链外交易
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Ciò che avviene fuori dalla blockchain in termini di transazioni
EN :On-chain (solution / transaction)
An on-chain transaction - usually referred to as simply 'a transaction' - modifies the blockchain and depends on the blockchain to determine its validity an off-chain transaction relies on other methods to record and validate the transaction.
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链上方案 / 链上交易
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Ciò che avviene all'interno dalla blockchain in termini di transazioni
EN :Orphan rate
An orphan block rate that doesn't have a known parent in the longest block chain.
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Tasso di blocchi orfani su quelli confermati in modo definitivo
EN :Orphaned block
A block which is not a part of the valid blockchain, but which was instead part of a fork that was discarded.
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Blocco valido trovato e trasmesso in concomitanza con un altro ma che non è referenziato da quello successivo e non fa quindi parte della blockchain.
EN :Peer-to-peer / P2P
A type of network where participants communicate directly with each other rather than through a centralized server. The Bitcoin network is peer to peer.
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Per peer to peer si intendono i sistemi che funzionano come un collettivo organizzato permettendo ad ogni individuo di interagire direttamente con gli altri. Nel caso di Bitcoin, la rete è costruita in modo che ogni utente trasmetta le transazioni degli altri utenti. E, fatto di importanza cruciale, nessuna banca è richiesta come terzi.
EN :Private key
A 256-bit number used in ECDSA algorithm to create transaction signatures in order to prove ownership of certain amount of bitcoins. Can also be used in arbitrary elliptic curve arithmetic operations. Private keys are stored within wallet applications and are usually encrypted with a pass phrase.
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Una chiave privata è una parte di dati segreti che provano che sei tu ad utilizzare bitcoin da un determinato portafoglio attraverso una firma crittografata . La tua chiave privata (o chiavi private) è conservata nel tuo computer se utilizzi un portafoglio software; è invece conservata in un server remoto se utilizzi un portafoglio web. La chiave privata non deve essere rivelata ad altri in quanto ti permette di utilizzare i fondi dal tuo portafoglio Bitcoin
EN :Proof-of-Stake / PoS
Proof-of-stake (PoS) is a method by which a cryptocurrency blockchain network aims to achieve distributed consensus. While the proof-of-work (PoW) method asks users to repeatedly run hashing algorithms or other client puzzles to validate electronic transactions, proof-of-stake asks users to prove ownership of a certain amount of currency (their "stake" in the currency). Peercoin was the first cryptocurrency to launch using proof-of-Stake. Other prominent implementations are found in BitShares, ShadowCash, Nxt, BlackCoin, NuShares/NuBits and Qora. Ethereum has planned a hard fork transition from PoW to PoS consensus.
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权益证明 / 股权证明
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(POS) è un metodo con cui una rete blockchain mira a raggiungere un consenso distribuito. Mentre il proof-of-lavoro (POW) chiede agli utenti di eseguire ripetutamente hashing algoritmi o altri puzzle per convalidare le transazioni elettroniche, proof-of-stake chiede agli utenti di dimostrare la proprietà di una certa quantità di moneta. Peercoin è stato il primo a lanciare criptovaluta utilizzando proof-of-stake
EN :Proof-of-Work / PoW
In order to be accepted by the rest of the network, a new block must contain a so-called proof-of-work.[50] The proof-of-work requires miners to find a number called a nonce, such that when the block content is hashed along with the nonce, the result is numerically smaller than the network's difficulty target. This proof is easy for any node in the network to verify, but extremely time-consuming to generate, as for a secure cryptographic hash, miners must try many different nonce values (usually the sequence of tested values is 0, 1, 2, 3, … before meeting the difficulty target.
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Una porzione di dati che richiede un significativo sforzo computazionale, per essere trovata. In bitcoin, i minatori devono trovare una soluzione numerica all’algoritmo SHA256 che soddisfa un obiettivo stabilito dall’intera rete, la difficoltà calcolata.
EN :Propagation (of block / transaction)
Network propagation is the number of nodes (computers running a bitcoin client) that have heard about your transaction. Confirmations is how many blocks have included your transaction and how many blocks have linked onto that block.
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区块传播 / 交易传播
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Propagazione delle transazioni o dei blocchi attraverso i full nodes
EN :Pseudo-random
A pseudorandom process is a process that appears to be random but is not. Pseudorandom sequences typically exhibit statistical randomness while being generated by an entirely deterministic causal process. Such a process is easier to produce than a genuinely random one, and has the benefit that it can be used again and again to produce exactly the same numbers - useful for testing and fixing software.
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Un processo pseudocasuale è un processo che sembra essere casuale, ma non è. Sequenze pseudocasuali tipicamente presentano casualità statistica pur essendo generato da un processo causale totalmente deterministico.
EN :Public key
The public portion of a keypair which can be used to verify signatures made with the private portion of the keypair.
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Una stringa alfanumerica che è nota al pubblico.
EN :Relative lock time
Allows a transaction to be time-locked, preventing its use in a new transaction until a relative time change is achieved.
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BIP 68 e 112 Periodo di tempo di blocco di una transazione relativo a quando la transazione è stata inclusa in un blocco valido
EN :Relay (of transaction / block)
The Bitcoin Relay Network is a system of peering between nodes in the network by creating a system of high-speed relay nodes for miners and merchants/exchanges. This system a) acts as a fallback in the case that the public Bitcoin network encounters issues and b) decreases block propagation times between miners.
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Trasmissione delle transazioni o dei blocchi nella rete
EN :Reorganization / re-org (of blockchain)
The term "blockchain reorganization" is used to refer to the situation where a client discovers a new difficultywise-longest well-formed blockchain which excludes one or more blocks that the client previously thought were part of the difficultywise-longest well-formed blockchain. These excluded blocks become orphans.
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Processo di scelta tra due catene alternative e di eliminazione della catena perdente i cui blocchi sono detti orfani
EN :Replace-by-fee / RBF
Many nodes today will not replace any transaction in their mempool with another transaction that spends the same inputs, making it difficult for spenders to adjust their previously-sent transactions to deal with unexpected confirmation delays or to perform other useful replacements. The opt-in full Replace-by-Fee (opt-in full-RBF) signaling policy allows spenders to add a signal to a transaction indicating that they want to be able to replace that transaction in the future.
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Funzionalità che permette di sostituire una propria transazione già trasmessa ed inclusa in mempool con un'altra con le stesse caratteristiche ma con una fee superiore
EN :RIPEMD160 (RACE Integrity Primitives Evaluation Message Digest)
RIPEMD-160 is a cryptographic hash function based upon the Merkle–Damgård construction. It is used in the Bitcoin standard. It is a a strengthened version of the RIPEMD algorithm which produces a 128 bit hash digest while the RIPEMD-160 algorithm produces a 160-bit output. The compression function is made up of 80 stages made up of 5 blocks that run 16 times each. This pattern runs twice with the results being combined at the bottom using modulo 32 addition.
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Funzione di hashing
EN :Scalability
Scalability is the capability of a system, network, or process to handle a growing amount of work, or its potential to be enlarged in order to accommodate that growth. For example, it can refer to the capability of a system to increase its total output under an increased load when resources (typically hardware) are added.
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Scalabilità. Capacità di un sistema di adeguarsi all'aumento del numero dei propri utenti
EN :Schism hardfork
To maintain consensus, all full nodes validate blocks using the same consensus rules. However, sometimes the consensus rules are changed to introduce new features or prevent network abuse. When the new rules are implemented, there will likely be a period of time when non-upgraded nodes follow the old rules and upgraded nodes follow the new rules, creating two possible ways consensus can break.
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Per mantenere il consenso, tutti i nodi devono convalidare blocchi utilizzando le stesse regole di consenso. Tuttavia, a volte le regole di consenso vengono modificate per introdurre nuove funzionalità o prevenire gli abusi di rete. Quando le nuove regole vengono implementate, ci sarà probabilmente un periodo di tempo in cui i nodi seguono le vecchie regole e nodi aggiornati seguono le nuove regole.
SCP (Stellar Consensus Protocol)is the a provably safe construction for FBA. Unlike most existing approaches to consensus, it enjoys four key properties: decentralized control, flexible trust, low latency, asymptotic security
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SCP (Stellar Consensus Protocol) A differenza di molti approcci esistenti per il consenso, SCP gode di quattro proprietà fondamentali: controllo decentralizzato, fiducia flessibile, a basso latenza, sicurezza asintotica
EN :Script
Bitcoin uses a scripting system for transactions. Forth-like, Script is simple, stack-based, and processed from left to right. It is purposefully not Turing-complete, with no loops.
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Bitcoin usa un sistema di scripting semplice per le transazioni, è stack-based e non è volutamente Turing completo, ossia senza loop.
EN :Segregated witness
This BIP defines a new structure called a "witness" that is committed to blocks separately from the transaction merkle tree. This structure contains data required to check transaction validity but not required to determine transaction effects. In particular, scripts and signatures are moved into this new structure.
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Sistema di segregazione della firma di una transazione al di fuori da questa. Permette l'eliminazione di alcuni problemi del sistema Bitcoin.
EN :Selfish mining
Selfish is an attack on the integrity of the Bitcoin network. This is where one miner,or mining pool, does not publish and distribute a valid solution to the rest of the network.
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Tecnica di mining che consiste nel non trasmettere immediatamente i blocchi trovati ma di cercare di costruire una sequenza di blocchi da trasmettere tutta insieme.
EN :SHA256
SHA-256 is a set of cryptographic hash functions designed by the National Security Agency(NSA). SHA stands for Secure Hash Algorithm. Cryptographic hash functions are mathematical operations run on digital data; by comparing the computed "hash" (the output from execution of the algorithm) to a known and expected hash value, a person can determine the data's integrity.
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Funzione di hashing
EN :Sidechain
The selfish miner then continues to mine the next block and so on maintaining its lead. When the rest of the network is about to catch up with the selfish miner, he, or they, then release here portion of solved blocks into the network.
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blockchain alternativa che ha un legame crittografico con un'altra blockchain e utilizza i token nativi di questa come collaterale di tokens che girano su questa
EN :Smart contract
Smart contracts are computer protocols that facilitate, verify, or enforce the negotiation or performance of a contract, or that make a contractual clause unnecessary. Smart contracts usually also have a user interface and often emulate the logic of contractual clauses. Proponents of smart contracts claim that many kinds of contractual clauses may thus be made partially or fully self-executing, self-enforcing, or both. Smart contracts aim to provide security superior to traditional contract law and to reduce other transaction costs associated with contracting.
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Contratti garantiti da regole verificate via software e con le clausole che vengono eseguite automaticamente.
EN :Smart Property
Smart property is property whose ownership is controlled via the Bitcoin block chain, using contracts. Examples could include physical property such as cars, phones or houses. Smart property also includes non-physical property like shares in a company or access rights to a remote computer.
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E' un modo di controllare la proprietà attraverso la blockchain utilizzando contratti. Gli esempi potrebbero includere proprietà fisica, come automobili, telefoni o case. Comprende anche la proprietà non fisica come azioni di una società o di diritti di accesso a un computer remoto.
EN :Softfork
A softfork is a change to the bitcoin protocol wherein only previously valid blocks/transactions are made invalid. Since old nodes will recognise the new blocks as valid, a softfork is backward-compatible. This kind of fork requires only a majority of the miners upgrading to enforce the new rules.
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Sistema di upgrade del sistema che si basa sull'adozione di regole del consensus più restrittive
EN :SPV mining
SPV mining is the term commonly used for 'less-than-full-node-validation' mining. It usually means that miners skip the verification of the block and the transactions within, and immediately start mining a new block referencing the just-solved block header. However, since they don't know what is in the last block, they have to mine without any transactions (except for the coinbase transaction), to be sure that they don't mine a block with transactions that conflict with transactions in the previous block.
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SPV 挖矿
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Tecnica di mining che consiste nel cominciare a minare sulla base dell'intestazione del blocco ricevuto senza aspettare di vedere le transazioni che ne facevano parte. Non perrmette nè di verificare la correttezza del blocco ricevuto nè di conoscere e verificare le transazioni che ne facevano parte. Per questo consente di minare in modo successivamente affidabile solo blocchi vuoti (senza transazioni)
EN :SPV node (Simplified Payment Verification node)
A scheme to validate transactions without storing the whole blockchain (only block headers) and without trusting any external service. Every transaction must be present with all its parent and sibling hashes in a merkle tree up to the root. SPV client trusts the most difficult chain of block headers and can validate if the transaction indeed belongs to a certain block header.
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SPV 节点
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Uno schema per convalidare le transazioni senza memorizzare l'intera blockchain (solo le intestazioni dei blocchi) e senza fidarsi di qualsiasi servizio esterno.
EN :Stratum
Stratum is a proposal for an open source client-server "overlay" protocol that enables thin clients.
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Stratum 挖矿协议
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Stratum è una proposta di protocollo client-server open source "overlay" che abilita i thin client.
EN :Sybil attack
An attacker can attempt to fill the network with clients controlled by him, you would then be very likely to connect only to attacker nodes. Although Bitcoin never uses a count of nodes for anything completely isolating a node from the honest network can be helpful in the execution of other attacks.
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Un utente malintenzionato può tentare di riempire la rete con i client controllati da lui.
EN :Testnet
The testnet is an alternative Bitcoin block chain, to be used for testing. Testnet coins are separate and distinct from actual bitcoins, and are never supposed to have any value. This allows application developers or bitcoin testers to experiment, without having to use real bitcoins or worrying about breaking the main bitcoin chain.
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Il testnet è un blockchain alternativa, da utilizzare per il test. Le monete testnet sono separate e distinte dai bitcoin reali, e non hanno valore. Questo permette agli sviluppatori di applicazioni o tester bitcoin di sperimentare, senza dover utilizzare bitcoin reali.
EN :Timestamp (verb / noun)
A timestamp is a sequence of characters or encoded information identifying when a certain event occurred, usually giving date and time of day, sometimes accurate to a small fraction of a second. The term derives from rubber stamps used in offices to stamp the current date, and sometimes time, in ink on paper documents, to record when the document was received. Common examples of this type of timestamp are a postmark on a letter or the "in" and "out" times on a time card.In modern times usage of the term has expanded to refer to digital date and time information attached to digital data. For example, computer files contain timestamps that tell when the file was last modified, and digital cameras add timestamps to the pictures they take, recording the date and time the picture was taken.
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Un timestamp è una sequenza di caratteri o informazioni codificate per identificare quando si è verificato un determinato evento, di solito dando data e ora del giorno. Il termine deriva dal timbri utilizzati negli uffici per timbrare la data corrente, e qualche volta il tempo, in inchiostro su documenti cartacei, per registrare quando è stato ricevuto il documento.
EN :Topologies
Network topology is the arrangement of the various elements (links, nodes, etc.) of a computer network. Essentially, it is the topological structure of a network and may be depicted physically or logically.
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La topologia di rete è la disposizione dei vari elementi (link, nodi, ecc) di una rete di computer. Essenzialmente è la struttura topologica di una rete e può essere rappresentata fisicamente o logicamente.
EN :Transaction fee
A small service charge added onto some transactions. The fee is paid to the miner that hashes the block containing the transaction.
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Una piccola tassa di servizio aggiunto su alcune transazioni. La tassa è pagata al minatore che fa l'hash del blocco che contiene la transazione.
EN :Transaction fee market / Fee market
Transaction fees are voluntary on the part of the person making the bitcoin transaction, as the person attempting to make a transaction can include any fee or none at all in the transaction
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Le spese di transazione sono volontarie da parte della persona che effettua la transazione bitcoin
EN :Transaction ID
An identifier used to uniquely identify a particular transaction; specifically, the sha256d hash of the transaction.
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Un identificativo utilizzato per identificare univocamente una particolare transazione; in particolare, la sha256 della transazione.
EN :Tree-chain
A Treechain is a structure of more-tightly coupled sidechains. This structure, in theory, allows miners to mine at arbitrary variance without pooling, scaling of the system far beyond 7tps without asking permission, and other innovation at the edges, all with the same protections of the main Bitcoin network.
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Una Treechain è una struttura di catene accoppiate
EN :Unilateral softfork
Soft forks are a feature of Bitcoin. Moreover, soft forks can be enforced by miners unilaterally, without others consent. That's because soft forks make rules more strict/add new rules, and these rules are enforced by miners.
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I soft fork possono essere applicati dai minatori unilateralmente, senza il consenso degli altri. Questo perché esse rendono regole più severe o per aggiungere nuove regole, e queste regole vengono applicate dai minatori.
EN :UTXO (Unspent Transaction Output)
An Unspent Transaction Output (UTXO) that can be spent as an input in a new transaction.
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Gli (UTXO) sono input che possono essere spesi come un ingresso in una nuova transazione.
EN :UTXO commitment
A UTXO commitment is a hash of all of the data in the UTXO set. It is validated by all of the proof of work that was built on top of it
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Un UTXO è un hash di tutti i dati nel set UTXO. Se è convalidata da parte di tutti, è la prova del lavoro che è stato costruito su di esso
EN :Validation-cost metric
The goal of the cost metric approach is to tie consensus rules to actual resource requirements. The idea is that cost of a block is a function of certain block properties. As an example, the block cost could be represented by a weighted sum of block size, validation cost and utxo growth.
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L'obiettivo del metodo è di legare le regole di consenso ai requisiti delle risorse attuali. L'idea è che il costo di un blocco è una funzione di certe proprietà del blocco.
EN :Zero-confirmation transaction
A transaction in which the merchant is happy to provide a product or service before the bitcoin’s transmission has been confirmed by a miner and added to the blockchain. It can carry a risk of double spending.
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Una transazione in cui il commerciante può fornire un prodotto o servizio prima che la trasmissione del bitcoin sia stata confermata da un minatore e aggiunto alla blockchain. Può esserci il rischio di doppia spesa.
EN :Zero-knowledge proofs
A zero-knowledge proof is a method by which one party can prove to another that a given statement is true, without conveying any additional information apart from the fact that the statement is indeed true.
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E' un metodo mediante il quale una parte può dimostrare all'altro che una data affermazione è vera, senza trasmettere tutte le informazioni supplementari a parte il fatto che l'istruzione è vera.
